Saturday, May 21, 2011

I broke a bone!

Yup, it's true. I actually broke something. I will tell you the story in full detail below.

OK, so I was running in an event at my schools Sports day. Long story short, Wet grass, slip, fall on my left arm. So, off to the hospital it was. 1 hour of waiting in the emergency ward and holding ice to my wrist, 5 minutes getting an X-ray, 20 minutes waiting in anticipation, 2 minutes for the emergency doctor to tell me I had a minor break on my growth plate of the radius (like where your wrist is), 2 minutes for the doctor to put a fiber glass and tensor bandage splint on my left wrist, forearm and hand, 5 minutes to call my family and say I'm ok, and 5 minutes to go back to Sports day and tell everyone I am alive. Yup, that was my Thursday. FUN.

BTW, thank you Ruby and Jbnews for your support1 <3<3<3

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Stuff about me (If ya care)

My photo
I'm Syd. My life is boring, uneventful, and occasionally completely jam-packed with drama. I'm also a tad sarcastic. Enjoy my blog.

It's a Cool Blog

If you have a phobia, illness, or desperately want to go to Lollipop Land and live with the Oompa Loompas, I'm afraid your at the wrong place, and, you know, you should probably see a doctor. But if you just want to chill out and read a cool blog, you're in paradise! Enjoy!