Monday, October 10, 2011


OK, let me tell you the story of how i can't be Alice in wonderland for Halloween. :(

so, first i was chillaxing at home, and then my mommy (jk i don't actually call my mum mommy... usually) called up my aunt to say that my mum and i were going to a Halloween warehouse to check out some costumes. 

skip ahead a little while, and we are at the shop. there are a lot of cool costumes and stuff, but they are all like $49.99 or $59.99. so after looking at the prices, my mum and my aunt decide that the prices are too high.

let's skip ahead again, now we are at value village and searching through all of the costumes. i find this totally awesome Alice dress that is in my size and totally perfect. I run and show my mum, and guess what? it was $49.99. i know right! total bummer.

BUT while i was searching for another Alice costume, i found this gorgeous geisha girl dress and a wig. if you don't know what that is, click on this link,r:4,s:0&tx=52&ty=115

that link picture is the costume i got. it's pretty cool.

So even though i can't be Alice in Wonderland, I get to be a geisha girl. So yeah.

(flay altadusa, the scream sounds cool. have you tried asking your mom? you know, for a costume?)


1 comment:

  1. I was Scream last year so.. yepppp! Mom's too cheap to buy me a new costume. Geisha? Snaaap gurrrrrl. JOIN THE ASIAN SIDE. WE HAVE... FORTUNE COOKIES. C: Maybe next year/year after a bunch of us should dress up as characters from Alice in Wonderland...(I call Mad Hatter/Chesire Cat)


Stuff about me (If ya care)

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I'm Syd. My life is boring, uneventful, and occasionally completely jam-packed with drama. I'm also a tad sarcastic. Enjoy my blog.

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If you have a phobia, illness, or desperately want to go to Lollipop Land and live with the Oompa Loompas, I'm afraid your at the wrong place, and, you know, you should probably see a doctor. But if you just want to chill out and read a cool blog, you're in paradise! Enjoy!