Monday, October 10, 2011


I can't wait till Halloween!


Guess what I'm gonna be????? ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!!


1 comment:

  1. Great idea! 8D Maybe I'll steal your idea and be Alice next year. I'm going to be Scream.. again. My mom's too cheap to buy me a new costume. 3: Can't wait to see you in your costume! You're going to look so cute. c:


Stuff about me (If ya care)

My photo
I'm Syd. My life is boring, uneventful, and occasionally completely jam-packed with drama. I'm also a tad sarcastic. Enjoy my blog.

It's a Cool Blog

If you have a phobia, illness, or desperately want to go to Lollipop Land and live with the Oompa Loompas, I'm afraid your at the wrong place, and, you know, you should probably see a doctor. But if you just want to chill out and read a cool blog, you're in paradise! Enjoy!