Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Here's A Story I Wrote

The title describes this post perfectly. Here ya go. (It's sort of a sad story)

Willow Creek Orphanage For Girls

Sarah’s Story

Chapter One

Sarah watched the unique snowflakes fall from the cloud filled sky. The dull colour of her surroundings made her think of her life at the Willow Creek Orphanage for girls. “Why?’ She asked herself. Why had her single mother abandoned her and left her here? Of all of the places she could have been, they had chosen to leave her here. Bitter sweet resentment filled Sarah’s mind as she stared expressionlessly into the outside world.

A voice Sara knew to be her head mistress called out “Sarah, you have an adoption interview. I expect you down these stairs in 5 minutes precisely.” Sarah nodded to herself and immediately stood up. She dressed herself in her uniform and walked slowly down the flight of stairs. Sitting there at the well known adoption table was a woman with a tight red braid in her hair and a suit of gray. Sarah scanned the woman up and down several times before taking her seat on the other side of the table.

“You will have to excuse Sarah, Madame. Sarah unfortunately does not speak. She is mute, we do not know the cause but she has been this way since we received her at six years old.” Said the head mistress with her thick British accent.

Sarah took pride in not talking. She had decided eight years before that it was far better to write than to speak. Sarah wrote in her diary very often. She always carried her diary with her. Sarah started to write in her diary.

Dear Diary, Right now I am sitting here at the Adoption table. I won’t get my hopes up though; I know that I will never be adopted. Or at least that’s what it feels like.

I’ve been here long enough to realize that I am not like the other girls. The other girls are perfect; they have long flowing hair and blue eyes. I have hair that is dirty blonde and I have gray eyes with much too long eye lashes. It’s a landslide. The girls who are perfect end up with the happy endings. I’ve been here too long........

The Gray Suit woman was the sixty seventh person to interview Sarah that year. “Now, honey. I know that you haven’t always liked your life here at Willow Creek, but can you at least try to smile?” Sarah stared at the Gray suit woman in awe. That uptight looking woman looked very similar to Sarah. Much like Sarah, the woman had a southern accent, which set Sarah apart from the other girls at the orphanage. Also like Sarah, the woman had gray eyes, and long eyelashes that fluttered while she spoke. “Yes, Sarah. It’s me.”

Chapter 2

Dear Diary, you won’t believe what just happened to me. I actually met my mother. I’m in shock. I don’t know what to do. I’m just in utter shock.....

“Sarah, please don’t be mad. I didn’t have the money. I couldn’t afford to keep you. Trust me I wanted to, I just couldn’t.” The woman stared at Sarah with tears in her eyes. Sarah just shook her head. She grabbed a piece of paper and started etching out words. When she was done writing she gave it to her mother. It read:

Look what you’ve done to me. I can’t speak. I lie to myself and tell me that I decided not to talk, but really I was just traumatized by how I lived on the streets for six years after being abandoned by my Mother. If you really want to make it up to me, adopt me.
Sarah’s mother looked into Sarah’s eyes and uttered two words. “I will”
After the adoption was final, Sarah moved in with her mother and gradually started speaking. It took many years and many tries but finally everything worked out. Sarah and her mother lived happily ever after, despite what Sarah previously thought would happen, Everything turned out right after all.

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Stuff about me (If ya care)

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I'm Syd. My life is boring, uneventful, and occasionally completely jam-packed with drama. I'm also a tad sarcastic. Enjoy my blog.

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If you have a phobia, illness, or desperately want to go to Lollipop Land and live with the Oompa Loompas, I'm afraid your at the wrong place, and, you know, you should probably see a doctor. But if you just want to chill out and read a cool blog, you're in paradise! Enjoy!