Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nothing Much

Nothing much to talk about today fellow bloggers and blog readers. Though, I do have some news. My birthday is in ten days! February Second, I'm going to be ELEVEN.

It's crazy, it seems like just yesterday when I was watching Dora, and talking to her and her never saying anything even close to the subject I was trying to start. I remember saying once "Dora, what's your favourite colour?" And she responded "Si, there are 7 stars! Gracias!" And I'd stare at her and yell my questions, to which she would reply " Come on vamonos, everybody let's go! Come on we can do it! You know that we can do it! Where are we going? Clap clap clap? To Grandma's house! Where are we going? Clap clap clap? To Grandma's house!" Oh, how I miss those days. (NOT)

It's weird how fast you grow up and change. I  used to want to be nothing but a princess when I grew up. Now I want to be a singer. I love singing, I don't think I could go a day without singing. Anyway, back on topic, my birthday is a actually in ten days!!!!!!!!! I am super excited.

Blog ya up later!

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Stuff about me (If ya care)

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I'm Syd. My life is boring, uneventful, and occasionally completely jam-packed with drama. I'm also a tad sarcastic. Enjoy my blog.

It's a Cool Blog

If you have a phobia, illness, or desperately want to go to Lollipop Land and live with the Oompa Loompas, I'm afraid your at the wrong place, and, you know, you should probably see a doctor. But if you just want to chill out and read a cool blog, you're in paradise! Enjoy!